This site is all about helping folks like you achieve a comfortable retirement. I’ve been involved in retirement planning for twenty-four years. Along the way, I have accumulated unique knowledge, tools, and ideas. The goal here is to share these with you, help you educate yourself and take action, and build confidence that you are on the right path.
Please note that I do not get paid by anyone to do this. This is my way of giving back. I work independently from any financial services or wealth management firm. I previously worked at a U.S. mutual fund company, and at Morningstar, Inc., where I served as a software product manager responsible for tools that financial advisors use every day to do their jobs (like helping people plan for retirement). In a past life I also served as a Certified Public Accountant. I have a wife, and two twentysomethings who I am helping navigate this complicated retirement landscape, and I would be thrilled to do the same for you. Let’s work together to help you achieve a great outcome in retirement!
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